Support Plastic Reduction in School Lunches

We are raising awareness and advocating for Wellness and Sustainability in the Washoe County School District (WCSD) school meal programs. 

WCSD Parents and Concerned Citizens are respectfully requesting Leadership’s support and advocacy to provide solutions which accomplish the following objectives in the WCSD:

  • Eliminate plastic and styrofoam materials which expose children to harmful toxins

  • Provide freshly-made nutritious food and beverage

  • Provide PFAS free clean and filtered water

  • Implement sustainable practices which significantly reduce:

    • Food waste through composting

    • Trash by implementing reusables

  • Provide education on Environmental Stewardship 

WCSD Board Policies already exist to support Wellness and Conservation and Sustainability, practices which align with the needed changes.  The current Aramark contract may also offer short-term and longer-term solutions through their Be Well Do Well Program

Our advocacy aligns with local and nationwide changes already taking place such as:

Our children can’t advocate for themselves so we must do it for them.  It is our duty to protect them from harm and offer them every opportunity available to excel in their educational journey.  All elements we have outlined above are essential to achieve these objectives.

Green Team Parents and a growing group of concerned parents and citizens